Nashik district census handbook 2001
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nashik district census handbook 2011
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Census of India 2011 districts rose from 30 in 1991 Census to 35 in 2001 Census. division included 6 districts, Nashik division had 5 districts, PART XII-B. DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK. NASHIK. VILLAGE AND TOWN WISE As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the scope of VillageDirectory was improved. +28.73 6 2001 4993796 +113671 +29.66 7 2011 6107187 +1113391 +22.30 (Source: District Census Handbook, Nashik) 2.11 DENSITY OF POPULATION Density of theIn 2001 census, Nashik had a population of 4,993,796 of which males were 2,590,912 and remaining 2,402,884 were females. Nashik District population constituted District Census Handbook, Nashik. Series - 28, Part XII - B. Thumbnail. View/Open. 2725_PART_B_DCHB_ Nashik-Contents.pdf (1.380Mb). Date. 2011. Author. Changes since 2001 and. Government notification No. 2001. Census as in Nashik dist. Adjusted as per. 2011. Jurisdicti on. 2011. Census. 2001 census. 2011. CENSUS OF INDIA 2001. SERIES-28. M~ARASHTRA. DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK. Part - A & B. NASHIK DISTRICT. VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY. ~. VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE.
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